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Performance Data

Key Stage 4

2022-23 proved another successful year for pupil achievement with high pass rates in external accreditation across Key Stage 4 and 5.   

At Key Stage 4, there was a 100% pass rate in English Functional Skills at Entry Level 1, 2 & 3At Key Stage 5, there was an overall pass rate of 99% pass rate in English Functional Skills across Entry Level 1, 2 & 3 and Level 1 & 2.   

At Key Stage 4, the overall pass rate for Maths Functional Skills across Entry Level 1, 2 & 3 was 100% In addition, there was a 100% pass rate across a range of subjects as shown below: 

  •      Imaging Software - Entry Level 1, 2 & 3 
  •      Improving Productivity Using IT - Entry Level 1, 2 & 3 
  •     Using Word Processing Software - Entry Level 1, 2 & 3 
  •     Art & Design: Printmaking - Entry Level 2 &3 
  •     Art & Design: Textiles - Entry Level 2 &3 
  •     Use Body In A Dramatic Context - Entry Level 2  
  •     Use Voice In A Dramatic Context - Entry Level 2  
  •     Qualification in Sports Leadership - Level 1 


Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5 the overall pass rate for Maths Functional Skills was 66% across Entry Level 1, 2 & 3 and Level 1 & 2.  Analysis indicates the need to strengthen practice around target setting and reviewing in-year progress within this particular subject area at Key Stage 5 to ensure all students make expected progress and achieve their qualification.  A ‘support to improve’ plan and close monitoring is in place to drive improvements in this area. 

In addition, at Key Stage 5, there was a 93% pass rate across a range of subjects as shown below:

  1.       Using Word Processing Software – Entry Level 2 & 3 and Level 1 
  •      Information and Communication Technology – Entry Level 2 & 3 and Level 1 
  •      Certificate in IT User Skills – Level 1 & 2 
  •      BTEC Level 1 Introductory Award – Sport 
  •      BTEC Level 1 Introductory Diploma - Sport 
  •      BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate – Performing Arts 
  •      Open Awards Employability 

6 students at Key Stage 5 achieved a pass grade in GCSE Art & Design (4 x Grade 4, 1 x Grade 5, 1 x Grade 6) with 2 of these students improving on predicted grades.