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New Bridge School Blog - 10.5.24


Following on from last week’s blog – I’ve been really fortunate to see some amazing teaching and learning this week at school.

Today I’ve watched a stunning session which was 7TAN in a music lesson with Mr Thompson and Mrs Hayat.

The group, using the Garage Band app, were composing a short piece of music using Live Loops on the iPad. It was a delight to see the group experimenting, adding music and then words or songs to their pieces.

Mrs Lenge and myself were then treated to the best part of the lesson – the children singing, beginning with Henry, followed on by Devine (singing in Italian which was just amazing), with the final piece of the afternoon, Queen’s’ iconic 'Bohemian Rapsody' performed by Lucas.

It was amazing. Our students at New Bridge have always excelled at music and performing arts and this afternoon reflected their talents. Thanks to Mr Thompson and Mrs Hayat – but more importantly a big well done to 7TAN for sharing their wonderful work with us. 

New Bridge School Blog (10.5.24)


This week some of our students have begun their transition to the next part of their New Bridge journey. This is always a ‘different ‘time as its time to move on. Our year 9 children and families were invited to the Pathways building to meet the staff and have a good look round. Today, some of our IB children went to the Learning Centre to meet new friends and staff. 

Next week, we are hosting parents evening, and we are looking forward to sharing the children’ achievements and work. All families should have received information about Wednesday and please let us know if there is a problem. 

That’s it for me. I’m hoping that the sun stays out long enough for me to be out on my bike. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  


Stay safe  


Mrs Tootill