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New Bridge Learning Centre Blog - 10.5.24


This week's 'spotlight on’ is an emotional read as it's about one of our amazing Personal Care staff (PCA), Sandra, who is retiring from New Bridge today.

Sandra has been with New Bridge for many years and is definitely an integral member of the Learning Centre PCA team & family.

I’ve never known anyone work harder or show greater commitment to the young people she supports with such care, compassion & dignity.

Our PCA team play such a vital role in enabling our students to be safe, comfortable, healthy, and able to play a full part in Learning Centre Life.

Sandra is such a positive role model to her team, the students and wider Learning Centre Team.

I’ve asked Sandra to share some final thoughts for this week’s blog.

“For me its been a real pleasure and honour to work with Tracey and the team. I’ve made so so many friends at the Learning Centre. We had laughs and tear but always learning from each other and going home friends.

The role of a PCA requires the team to work closely together and support each other and listen to each other. I’m really going to miss the team.

And now for the students! I’m going to miss the banter, making them smile everyday and making them ‘Belly laugh.!’ I hope that I have always empathised and understood our students and treated them with the utmost dignity, we become a little family whilst they are with us.

I’ve learnt so much from all the students and I’m certainly going to miss every pone of them.”

I asked Tracey for some final words on her friend & colleague, and she kept it simple but truthful.

“Sandra has always been there to help & support, myself and the students, she’s the smallest member of staff but has been my biggest support.”


I’d like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Sandra and wish her a very happy retirement. The place won’t be the same without you! And thank you on behalf of our students, I know they’ll miss you most! 

A reminder that next Thursday is our Parents Evening and we look forward to celebrating the progress our students are making with families.

Have a great weekend all.
