New Bridge School

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NBLC Blog - 19.4.22

It has been great to welcome our staff and students back to the Learning Centre after our Easter Break.

For some, it was only to wave goodbye again as they went off on the Calvert Residential.

I’ll be sharing much more next week but just wanted to say a massive well done to everyone.

To the students, well done for trying new things, for embracing change, for stepping out of your comfort zones, and as I’m being reliably informed, helping & supporting each other.

To the staff team, thanks for giving your time, energy, commitment and care in ensuring our students have an unforgettable time.

Have a well-deserved rest this weekend.

I want to reiterate just how vital the partnership we have with our families is and to make you aware that on Monday April 22nd there will be a Professionals meeting with Dawn Smith at New Bridge Learning Centre. 

Dawn is the Oldham Carers Link Officer.

Dawn will be talking to the group about a variety of topics relating to support, benefits, Carers Assessments and supported living.

I really hope you can join us on Monday from 2-3 pm for this Parents & Carers Group Professionals Meeting.


Have a lovely weekend

