Mrs T's Blog (24.1.25)
We are already halfway through the term and it's really busy here at Roman Road.
Over the past 2 weeks we have done a lot of work around our 3 B’s.
For families and carers that are new to us, the Bees are part of our culture – not just here at Roman Road, but at our Learning Centre, Pathways and College buildings.
So what are our B’s?
We have completed lots and lots of work around the B’s including the student being able to have their ‘voice’ around behaviour in and around school, our staff training and a new way of recording behaviour on our Arbor system.
At the moment, we are working on recording all behaviours – within the 3 B’s.
So I would like to share with you all an example of what that looks like.

For some of our learners – we are working through this is system in a very ‘different' way as some of our students have a variety of needs and need additional support.
Especially for our Interactive Base and our Autism Base.
So, whilst we are ‘launching' this scheme, we are also looking to redefine and develop this system to work for all our young people.
We are asking that everyone – our staff, our families and carers work with us around our B’s as we prepare our students for the next part of their journey and destination.
And already we've seen a really good start to this term, as the students are beginning to talk about being respectful to each other and others, being safe and being ready to learn. So watch this space...
Onto this week, this week I’ve really enjoyed dropping into different parts of the school , including today ( Friday ) supporting AB1 with swimming and observing lots of learning.
We are changing our blogs slightly – to make sure that all parts of our school can be celebrated using the power of social media. I'm really looking forward to seeing what's happening – especially our fabulous young people and their daily learning.
That’s it for me. As I’m writing this blog, Storm Eowyn is really blowing at our windows. I hope everyone is safe and warm this weekend.
Mrs T x