New Bridge School

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Happy Half Term! 

So here we are at half term and unfortunately – it’s raining. 

This term has been a ‘jam packed' term – which has concluded this week with some exciting events. 

We have continued to watch lots of lessons and seen some amazing learning activities and challenges.  

On Tuesday, the staff team completed some training with our amazing Moving and Handling team. This is where we learn to move children and, at times, adults safely.


Moving & Handling

The training was delivered by our in-house team, and it was safe to say – it was a brilliant session - informative and it just ensured that all staff are knowledgeable and confident.

On Thursday, we opened the school doors to the NW Communication Works Event. This is where we celebrate the amazing work done in school on Assistive Technology.

AT or ACC is a method or resource that enables our children to communicate – whether that is through the iPad, eye gaze or a variety or different apps.

Technology Event

On Thursday, Mr Drake demonstrated the use of Cosmo switches to motivate and encourage children to move – which he did in typical Mr Drake style. 

Mr Jackson demonstrated how children make choices to request or say what they want to do or like.

It was fabulous to see children in achiever beds, using head switches to turn resources on and being able to use the the white board to choose and select colours and shapes.

Some of the AB children popped into the Market Place before it opened up and were blown away.  

Mr Newport's demo looked liked a cross between Back to the Future and Gardeners World!

Using a leaf blower, he was able to show the children choosing to send a ball via the leaf blower into the air toward the ‘catcher'.

The children and the visitors (and me) loved it.

It just goes to show what a little imagination can do to create a brilliant learning environment. 

The day went exceptionally well – with over 100 visitors and our very own CEO, Clare John, opening he ceremony.

Thanks to everyone who took part and to our children, who were amazing – as per usual. 

On Thursday – we were also presented with the cheque from Luke Sudgen.

Luke ran an Ultra Marathon to raise finds for New Bridge Fund, raising almost £4,000 to help in the MAT's efforts to send our children to Disney. 

It was a real honour to meet Luke and to show him around our school.

To say he was choked up would be an understatement and his words included...

"These kids are so clever, so unique."

He's not wrong, and I would like to thank Luke, on behalf of the MAT, for all he has done. 

So finally, we are here...

...half term, and I am sure this blog will be filled with lots of pictures of the fun activities that holiday club take part in.

Thanks to all staff who support our families and make sure that they have THE best time.  

That’s it for me.

I’m off for a week of rest, ready for all the fun that Summer 2 brings.  

Thanks to all families and carers for your support.

And of course, to our students and children, who just make New Bridge School a magical place to be. 


Stay Safe  


Mrs T