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Attendance Blog


It's all about attendance...

This week, I received some brilliant news about the attendance of our children here at Roman Road.

90% of our school is attending school and we are hoping this figure will continue to rise.

Why is this important to us?

Attending school is about engagement, being safe, progression, motivation to learn and wanting to be in this fabulous school – with an equally amazing staff team.

After the pandemic, attendance in schools became a national issue – due to the fear of infection. But slowly over the past 12 months – our attendance has crept up and up and up.

Students are telling us they want to be here and a massive ‘shout out' needs to go to our families – who ensure that children come into school and when they don’t (for whatever reason) tell us the reasons why. So, thank you.  

This week – again I have seen some brilliant teaching and learning and on Wednesday I was back in my old ‘stomping’ teaching ground – the ball hall, observing an outstanding PE lesson with year 8.

At one point, I even managed to complete a quick circuit with Harrison – which gained his team points. It’s so good to see our children working together and all children being able to take part, have fun and compete against each other.

Although I must add, there was NO out doing Zara in her chair.

Thanks to Mr Jenkins, Miss Noble and Miss Hulme and of course to 8CHS for letting me join in. 

Wednesday was parents evening and again, it was good to meet parents and listen to the really amazing work which goes on here. This parents evening was our best attended and the staff were able to celebrate and share work. I managed to catch a few parents who shared with me their thoughts...

"My son loves New Bridge. He has settled well into year 7 and loves his class teacher."

"It was helpful to see the work my child is completing in class." 

"This is an amazing school."

On Thursday, the Trust hosted the Governors Conference. New Bridge was represented by our Chair of Governors – Andrea Greenwood.

What do our governors do?

Quite simply – they make sure that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.

And ask the question “why?’ when we are not.

I think we are really lucky to have our governors, as whilst they challenge us, they also support us in everything we do.

In addition to her role, Andrea is also a Director of POINT and tonight New Bridge school has been invited to their conference – which I will be blogging about next week. 

Finally, I am finishing my blog with a picture of our Key Stage 3 boys – who have some  exercise time every day at break time.

This is so good for these boys as it not only allows them time to expend any energy, but also them allow them time to self-regulate.

In addition to all this – they are friends and teammates at the same time. I thought this image would be a brilliant end to our week. Although next week – the LAST week of Summer 1 – I'm sure will be busy. 


Have a fab weekend 


Stay safe  


Mrs T