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Adversity Blog


I was really sad to hear the news of the passing of Rob Burrow. I have been fortunate to have seen Rob play for Leeds at the Grand Finals and every time - I always amazed at his speed and agility. A brilliant player, but also a champion for the MND community.

Alongside his great Oldham pal, Kevin Sinfield, he has raised awareness of this disease and has brought people and communities together.

Despite being wheelchair bound for at some time – he has made people aware that despite this disability – both him and Kevin have conquered a marathon, funded a hospital and built a legacy.


The story of Rob and Kevin’s battle is written in a book that was given to me by a special friend. The book “With You Every Step" talks of their friendship and being there for each other.

It’s a beautiful book and every time I read it, I think about the special relationships we have in at New Bridge – the children and their pals – who every Monday bounce into school – so happy to see each other. The students faces when they see the staff team – after the weekend and especially after a break. And the staff who look after each other. Our school is full of special relationships. 

This week – we are beginning to build new relationships as we met our new year 7 families and children who will be coming to us in September. Miss Cotton and the pastoral team, plus nursing staff, medical teams and specialist teams did a brilliant job introducing the school, the people who will support and guide them in this very exciting time. And on the theme of friendships – these new children will begin to make and build their own pals as they start their own New Bridge journey.  

Another opportunity to see the students helping each other was the Scootball session organised by Mr Jenkins. The ball hall was full of children scooting round and at the same time trying to score a goal. Not an easy job (I even had a go even had a go myself). Tim Liptrot joined us from Oldham Sports Development and he too managed to get a circuit or 2 in. The day was brilliantly organised, and every part of the school managed to take part. I am sure this is something we will be building into our extra curricular activities.  

Adversity Blog


So that’s it for me for this week. On Monday we are off to Euro Disney. Time to make more magic and more memories. I'm sure everyone is going to enjoy seeing the pictures of friendships being made, smiley faces and just a brilliant time. I'm sure we are going to savour every moment. 


Stay safe  


Mrs Tootill