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Weekly blog 09.02.24


I’ve been delighted this week to see so many staff and students taking part in activities for ‘Childrens Mental Health week.

This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'. Whilst talking about Children’s Mental Health should be something we do all year round, awareness weeks like these are a great place to start and something we can build on throughout the year.

‘My Voice Matters' is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. During Children’s Mental Health Week we want all children and young people, whoever they are, and wherever they are in the world, to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters”.

Miss Kindon is one of the Learning Centre’s Emotional Health & Mental wellbeing leads. She has been coordinating activities this week.


Here’s her report:


"The focus of  Childrens Mental Week this year was 'My Voice Matters'.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, there was the option for students to come together so they could chat with students from other classes.

Some students also played games such as dominoes, Uno etc. We also talked about how we can communicate our worries using resources such as worry jar, book and the Learning Centre worry box.

The feedback from both students and staff that is was good for students to get together form different classes.

In the Nurture group we looked at Cup Of Positivity.

Classes have also looked at Children's Mental Health."


CMHW @ the LC



Thanks, everyone. Great effort!

If families would like any resources to help them talk to their children about mental health, please find some helpful links shared with Oldham schools.

Here are some fantastic resources that can be used within your settings, from Place2Be :

Here are some other great resources you can access:  


A huge well done also to the staff & students from Mrs McDonald's class...


"This term in Ebase 2 we have been very busy! We have visited lots of outdoor areas in the community such as Werneth Park which has an exercise trail around it, and we had lots of fun trying out equipment such as kettle bells and exercise bikes. We also visited Alexandra Park; we love to walk over the big bridge and look for the ducks in the boating lake.

On Tuesdays, we have been flying ‘Down Under’ (unfortunately only by a simulator video). In our options mornings, we have been exploring the world and this term we have visited Australia. We have focused on Aboriginal art which is an Indigenous Australian technique. We have made papier mâché boomerangs which we decorated with Aboriginal art. We also have been learning about the wildlife in the outback such as Platypus, Wallabies and Koalas. We picked our favourite animals and painted pictures of them to show off our art skills on our display.

We have worked hard in all our Maths activities. And we are now role-playing a shop where we can practice recognising coins and life skills. We have continued to progress well in our number and fine motor activities.

In English, we have continued to practice our reading and writing skills and have made good progress.

In our food lessons, we have been looking at The Eat Well plate. We have been learning which food groups provide us with vitamins, muscles, energy and which food groups we may love but should eat in moderation.

We have also been having an Ebase 2 connect 4 tournament in PE. We have been practicing turn taking, leadership and teamwork. Green team currently hold the title of winners but I’m sure yellow team will make a mighty comeback when we rematch!

We would like to give a big well done to Roman for making outstanding progress this term. He has made big leap and began to explore the learning centre outside of his classroom; he has started to take our dinner sheet to reception every morning and independently putting his belongings in his locker.

Well done everyone for a brilliant term of fun, hard work and amazing personal progression in all areas!"

Carla, Amelia, Keelie and Courtney


Ebase 2 (9.2.24)



Great work, everyone.

Have a lovely weekend.

