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LC BLog – 19.1.24

We’ve definitely felt the chill of winter this week. I don’t think I’ve ever driven to work in temperatures of -7 degrees! Our students did enjoy the time they had playing in the snow and building snowmen!

It has been good to join colleagues from New Bridge School, Pathways and College.

A large part of the work we do at the Learning Centre is helping students to understand and safely manage their emotions. I was talking to a student this week about managing ‘big’ feelings, and how to encourage what we named ‘Happy feelings’. This led to a detailed discussion around how our brains work and different activities we can do to access the brain’s ‘Happy Chemicals’ namely Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin & Endorphins. We are going to be looking at these as part of our wellbeing programme over the next few weeks. I thought it may be helpful to share this with families, its very interesting.

This week, we’ve a report from Mr Fennelly’s class who have had a really positive start back this year. It is wonderful to see our E-base students taking part in so many different activities, well done to Mr Fennelly, his team and all the students!

Have a great weekend everyone, remember to access your ‘happy chemicals’!



Ebase 1


“Welcome to Ebase1 JFY’s blog,

This week our students have really enjoyed being back in their routines and working hard towards their EHCP targets.

Students have worked well whilst shopping in the community.

We have enjoyed exploring Alexandra park during Outdoor Education.

We have worked well typing our addresses in English.

And everyone has tried really hard completing work in living skills learning about kitchen appliances!

Thanks for taking time to read our blog.

From Josh, Matt, Az, Nat and the young people in Ebase 1!”